Me and my dogs

As you may be contemplating introducing your beloved pets to me to photograph, I thought you might like to meet our dogs and find out a bit more about me.
At the top is Reggie the ball crazy black lab x springer spaniel, and Lily the squirrel chasing Romanian rescue, who are both currently keeping me on my toes! They are great fun and inseparable friends. We love visiting dog friendly Norfolk where they can run along the beach and explore the woods.
Underneath are their predecessors, Henry the rugby mad black lab x springer, and Alfie the football obsessed black lab. Henry was my "heart dog" and the reason I got into photographing dogs. We had many a fabulous holiday in the Lake District and the Highlands of Scotland, with long walks and home to a warming hot chocolate.
In 2016 we lost seven year old Alfie. It was devastating. It led to a lot of soul searching and (to cut a long story short) resulted in me taking the plunge to set up my pet photography business some six months later.
Dogs are my world, and the reason why I do what I do.
The driving force behind what I do is wanting my clients to have the loveliest images of their animals,
displayed beautifully, to evoke those special memories of your special moments together.
Like the Art Panel of Alfie that hangs above my desk as I type this...
For me the way your photograph is displayed is as important as the image itself. It's why you'll see this little phrase a lot...
"Helping you decorate your home with pictures of your pet"
I'm very lucky to have The Best Job In The World.